Ray I. Riley Digitization Center
The Ray I. Riley Digitization Center (RDC) is a state-of-the-art center dedicated to the creation and long-term preservation of Baylor University's digital collections. Working with the campus libraries, archives, museums and others, the staff at the RDC utilize specialized digitization equipment to create digital surrogates of Baylor's unique holdings for presentation in the Baylor University Libraries Digital Collections.
Click below to see more about the equipment in the RDC

Ray I. Riley Digitization Center
Audio Booth
Audio sound booth with Rega & Technics turntables for analog disc migration
Used to digitize:
Black Gospel Music Restoration Project | George W. Truett sermon discs | Black Gospel Preachers Project
Zeutschel 14000 A0 format scanner
Used to digitize:
Spencer sheet music | Waco Newspapers | Cassette imaging | Baptist Standards | Roundups | Elizabeth Barrett Browning manuscripts | Robert Browning Sr. collection
Zeutschel 14000 A2 format scanner
Used to digitize:
Browning letters | Victorian letters | Roundups | Baptist Argus | Baylor Insider | Keston Center items | Browning music | Baylor Literary | Spencer sheet music | Photographs | Rare books | Baptist Standards | Baylor Line | Waco Police Museum items
Zeutschel 12002 V scanner
Used to digitize:
Waco Heritage and History | Women Poets books | Baylor Bulletins
Kirtas KABIS 3 high-speed book imager
Used to digitize:
Women Poets books | BGCT Annuals | Southern Baptist Convention Annuals | John Armstrong Notebooks | BU Press Releases | Phoenix publication | Rare books | The Wittenburg Door | Sound Historian | The Grassy Knoll Gazette | The Continuing Inquiry
Cruse large format scanner
Used to digitize:
Baylor Lariats | Texas Maps | Portraits | Historic Newspapers | War of the Rebellion Atlas | Artwork | Blueprints | Waco Newspapers | Keston Archive posters
InoTec Scamax 400-Series high speed document scanner
Used to digitize:
School of Music programs | Baylor Bulletins | Baptist Standard ; Theses & Dissertations
Decks for digitization of Umatics, Betamax tapes, DATS, & VHS
Used to digitize:
Oral History Interviews | Black Gospel Preachers Project | School of Music performances and recitals
Cassette transfer system
Used to digitize:
Oral History Interviews | Black Gospel Preachers Project | School of Music performances and recitals
Filmfabriek HDS+ 8mm & 16mm film scanner
Used to digitize:
Baylor Athletics film reels | Keston Center film reels | Texas Collection film archive | KWTX film archive
Sony Alpha 7R III mobile camera scanning system
Used to digitize: