Drawn from the extensive cartographic holdings of The Texas Collection, the items in this collection focus primarily on North America and, specifically, Texas. Maps from French, Spanish, German and American sources detail the evolving geography and human settlement of North America over the course of more than 200 years.
For items dated prior to 1923, images and full metadata are available worldwide. For items created after 1923, metadata is available around the world, but images are restricted to access only on the Baylor University campus. Researchers may request off-campus access by emailing digitalcollectionsinfo@baylor.edu.
Drawn from the extensive cartographic holdings of The Texas Collection, the items in this collection focus primarily on North America and, specifically, Texas. Maps from French, Spanish, German and American sources detail the evolving geography and human settlement of North America over the course of more than 200 years.
For items dated prior to 1923, images and full metadata are available worldwide. For items created after 1923, metadata is available around the world, but images are restricted to access only on the Baylor University campus. Researchers may request off-campus access by emailing digitalcollectionsinfo@baylor.edu.

User Notes :
User Notes :
The maps in this collection are presented at a resolution of 150 dpi, with no additional retouching to the online access files. This allows them to be presented as closely to identical as possible with their printed source materials. For access to high-resolution images for the purposes of scholarly research, please email digitalcollectionsinfo@baylor.edu.
Items in this collection may not be reproduced for commercial use without prior written consent from Baylor University, The Texas Collection, Waco, Texas. Please email digitalcollectionsinfo@baylor.edu to make such a request.
Maps with [S.l] (Latin, without location)and/or [S.n.] (without name) in the Imprint field are maps whose publisher name and place of publication are unknown.
Using This Resource In Your Research?
If you're a researcher or scholar and you've found a use for our materials in your work, email us at
digitalcollectionsinfo@baylor.edu and tell us about it! We may feature your work on our Digital Collections blog or work with you to promote your work via our other social media outlets.
Activity Note
This collection is considered an active collection. Items will be added periodically as they are acquired by Baylor University and processed through the Digitization and Digital Collection Preservation Services group.
The maps in this collection are presented at a resolution of 150 dpi, with no additional retouching to the online access files. This allows them to be presented as closely to identical as possible with their printed source materials. For access to high-resolution images for the purposes of scholarly research, please email digitalcollectionsinfo@baylor.edu.
Items in this collection may not be reproduced for commercial use without prior written consent from Baylor University, The Texas Collection, Waco, Texas. Please email digitalcollectionsinfo@baylor.edu to make such a request.
Maps with [S.l] (Latin, without location)and/or [S.n.] (without name) in the Imprint field are maps whose publisher name and place of publication are unknown.
Using This Resource In Your Research?
If you're a researcher or scholar and you've found a use for our materials in your work, email us at
digitalcollectionsinfo@baylor.edu and tell us about it! We may feature your work on our Digital Collections blog or work with you to promote your work via our other social media outlets.
Activity Note
This collection is considered an active collection. Items will be added periodically as they are acquired by Baylor University and processed through the Digitization and Digital Collection Preservation Services group.