The Poage Newsletter Collection is compiled from the Congressional newsletters of Rep. John V. Dowdy, Sr., Rep. Sam B. Hall, Jr., and Rep. Marvin Leath. These regular newsletters discussed important district and national issues to keep constituents informed and aware of their representative’s views and participation in Congress. Dowdy’s newsletters cover 1953-1971, Hall’s from 1976-1985, and Leath’s newsletters from 1979-1990.
The Poage Newsletter Collection is compiled from the Congressional newsletters of Rep. John V. Dowdy, Sr., Rep. Sam B. Hall, Jr., and Rep. Marvin Leath. These regular newsletters discussed important district and national issues to keep constituents informed and aware of their representative’s views and participation in Congress. Dowdy’s newsletters cover 1953-1971, Hall’s from 1976-1985, and Leath’s newsletters from 1979-1990.
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